Amazon lightsail?

Hi guys,

Is there any inside gossip on if/ when Rocky will be ‘officially’ coming to Amazon Lightsail?

CentOS 8 is an offering, but in a few months time will be EOL. Thus with no Rocky or others available leaves the environments running here sitting ducks.

Can obviously use migrate scripts to up Centos 8 to Rocky, but with Amazon portal still showing it has being ‘CentOS 8’ is a bit cringe especially with regards to knowing if it will be stable.

Many thanks,


Given that AWS is listed as a supporter on the homepage you would think they would add it… I wonder if they maybe have a UEFI requirement?

I have been in contact with the chaps at aws. I have been advised that this information has been shared with the Lightsail team and that their engineers are working to find solution for customers running CentOS in general and are currently working on this.

No time on when a solution will be. Hopefully this will include Rocky Linux.

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Thanks @ray98 for reaching out. I apologize for not replying here but we’ve raised this with our contacts at Amazon as well! Hopefully we can get something figured out soon. Please keep nagging us :slight_smile:

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Let’s hope the Lightsail team moves a little faster!