Centos 8 Stream - end of life ----> migrate to Rocky

Centos Stream 8 is done, no more updates are available. Will the “migrate2rocky” just work? Or are there some gotcha’s I need to be aware. Thanks

From a quick forum search: Search results for 'migrate2rocky order:latest' - Rocky Linux Forum

Some people have been successful, some have encountered issues. So your mileage may vary. Might even be worthwhile considering taking a backup of your data, and just making a clean install of Rocky and restore data, instead of using a migration that may or may not work.

Thanks for your reply. I am wanting to avoid a clean install if at all possible so my existing setup is retained. I use Samba, remote desktop and other services to manage and use the server. A clean install will take a long time.

I was just curious if the migrate2rocky script is a 50-50 proposition or more likely than not, I will have little problem. My centos 8 Stream installation is not modified.

I would say it’s more successful than not. I’ve not used it personally since I never had any CentOS systems to convert. If you are mostly using standard packages from repositories like CentOS or EPEL, then I expect it shouldn’t be too problematic. If using some exotic repositories that aren’t common or packages installed outside of repositories (manually downloaded), then problems could occur.

If it’s a VM, make a snapshot before starting the migration. I would also ensure a backup of data just in case.

All dataon these servers is always backed up, so worse case I have to do a clean install and go through the pain. And even with a system backup available, I can’t go back to Centos anyway. I am choosing Rocky because of the history and evolution from Centos. I have two Centos servers. I thought about AlmaLinux, but again Rocky seems to be a better fit. And it has a lot of backing.

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@pajamian would need to chime in. The migrate2rocky script may need modifications to deal with the end of life of CentOS Stream 8. We recently synced everything from their vault to our vault for this in case vault.centos.org would not work.

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At the moment migrate2rocky should work for migrations from CentOS Stream 8 if your CentOS Stream repos point to the appropriate repos in vault.centos.org or to our vault mirror in dl.rockylinux.org. I will be updating migrate2rocky so it will automatically find the vault repos in order to perform the migration but simply have not had the time to do so yet.

One additional note: CentOS vault has limited bandwidth so it is preferred that you use our vault mirror at Index of /vault/centos/8-stream/ for this.

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I tried to run the script before seeing your post on the “vault” - and sure enough it failed:

./migrate2rocky.sh -r
migrate2rocky - Begin logging at Wed 12 Jun 2024 03:54:39 PM CDT.

Removing dnf cache
Preparing to migrate CentOS Stream 8 to Rocky Linux 8.

Determining repository names for CentOS Stream 8.Error: Failed to download metadata for repo ‘appstream’: Cannot download repomd.xml: Cannot download repodata/repomd.xml: All mirrors were tried

Failed to fetch info for package apr-util-ldap.x86_64.

An error occurred while we were attempting to convert your system to Rocky Linux. Your system may be unstable. Script will now exit to prevent possible damage.

A log of this installation can be found at /var/log/migrate2rocky.log"

I need help pointing my current CentOS stream repos to ‘index of /vault/centos/8-strem/’ …
thanks for helping me get on Rocky!

You need to edit one or more of the .repo files is /etc/yum.repos.d/. You want to find the appropriate file and the appropriate repository in that file then comment out any baseurl and mirrorlist lines and add a new baseurl line pointing to the new repository location. To find the repository location look for the directory that contains a repodata directory, so for example if you browse to https://dl.rockylinux.org/vault/centos/8-stream/BaseOS/x86_64/os/ you will see repodata in the listing, so that means that you want to use https://dl.rockylinux.org/vault/centos/8-stream/BaseOS/x86_64/os/ for the baseurl of the baseos repo.

Great. I’ll let you know how it goes.

These are the repos I have in yum.repos.d:
CentOS-Stream-AppStream.repo CentOS-Stream-PowerTools.repo epel-testing-modular.repo
CentOS-Stream-BaseOS.repo CentOS-Stream-RealTime.repo epel-testing.repo
CentOS-Stream-Debuginfo.repo CentOS-Stream-ResilientStorage.repo google-chrome.repo
CentOS-Stream-Extras-common.repo CentOS-Stream-Sources.repo home:alex_sh.xxxx
CentOS-Stream-Extras.repo epel-modular.repo redhat.repo
CentOS-Stream-HighAvailability.repo epel-next.repo speedtest.repo
CentOS-Stream-Media.repo epel-next-testing.repo
CentOS-Stream-NFV.repo epel.repo

Which rocky vault repo should I use?
(Index of /vault/centos/8-stream/) ?

Pajamian - Thank you ! (and everyone else!)
#cat /etc/redhat-release
Rocky Linux release 8.10 (Green Obsidian)

I had to carefully edit my Centos repo files to point to the proper vault you all set up and then do a dnf update/upgrade to make sure my Centos stream 8 was what the migrate script was expecting. After cleaning up the repositories (straight forward), I rand the migrate2rocky script.

And it just worked. So sweet. It didn’t take long either. My coffee is still hot.

There was an error at the end after the conversion took place, but I think it was a script error. I had not rebooted yet into Rocky. The log is below:

Removing dnf cache
Preparing to migrate Rocky Linux 8.10 (Green Obsidian) to Rocky Linux 8.

Determining repository names for Rocky Linux 8.10 (Green Obsidian)…

Found the following repositories which map from Rocky Linux 8.10 (Green Obsidian) to Rocky Linux 8:
Rocky Linux 8.10 (Green Obsidian) Rocky Linux 8
devel appstream
powertools devel
devel ha
devel baseos
extras extras
powertools powertools

Getting system package names for Rocky Linux 8.10 (Green Obsidian)
Found a full or partial RockyLinux install already in place. Aborting

An error occurred while we were attempting to convert your system to Rocky Linux. Your system may be unstable. Script will now exit to prevent possible damage.

Thank you all - this script saved me a ton of time and avoided a fresh install.

Unfortunately the error that you’re getting says that migrate2rocky detected a previous install attempt that went bad and as such it refused to anything. You should look back at the older migrate2rocky.log files (they are rotated so you should have up to the last five of them) to find the real error. You may have one that completed successfully in which case you are fine, otherwise you have a partial migration and it may cause issues at some point down the road.

Thanks to pajamian et al. I used the URLs in the vault to correct my centos 8 stream repos [just do the dnf and it will show you what it is trying]. Then dnf update and run migrate2rocky.sh It complained about something, wouldn’t set repos. So I moved all CentOS repos to old/, rebooted and all OK. The did a dnf update and got completely on rocky 8! Thanks!!

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Just wanted to stop in here to give many thanks to the people who created this migration tool (and of course all the people behind Rocky Linux). Just converted my Stream 8 home server to Rocky 8 and it went flawlessly. Super happy I don’t have to rebuild it from scratch (though I was prepared to do so if this failed). Awesome work guys! Cheers!

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