Can't update my OS

re: Rocky Linux release 8.10 (Green Obsidian)

I’m having problem updating my OS. It seems the trouble began after I’ve installed the package MySQL. It’s a rpm package I downloaded from the mysql community website. How can I uninstalled the package?

dnf remove NameOfBadPackage

mysql is available from the standard rocky repository so you would be better off installing it from there absent a really compelling reason for getting it from somewhere else.

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In addition, look out for where it says ‘copr’.

Thanks for your reply…
To do what you’ve suggested (standard rocky repository). I need to uninstall the community version of the mysql. I used this command “sudo rpm -ivh” during the installation. I tried rpm -Uvh (various version mysql, mysql84, mysql84-community-release) to uninstall the package. None were successful. Any idea to how I can uninstall the package?

rpm -qi mysql84-community-release-el8-1.noarch.rpm

The top line of the return data is Name: NameOfRPM

dnf remove NameAsShownInThatField

Thank you FrankCox for your reply
Unfortunately the sudo rpm -qi mysql84-community-release-el8-1.noarch.rpm doesn’t work…
error: open of mysql84-community-release-el8-1.noarch.rpm failed: No such file or directory.
Fortunately command did show the name of the package. I ran this command:
“sudo dnf erase mysql84-community-release” instead. I managed to remove the mysql84-community-release package. I ran “dnf update” successfully after.

Thank guys,

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