Cannot SSH from Windows 11 ssh client to Rocky 9 server, but can from everything else

Not a game breaking issue since literally everything else works, but does anyone know the magic configuration to get a Windows 11 box to ssh into a Rocky 9 server?

The server:

  • Rocky 9.4
  • Updated
  • Basically out-of-the-box for underlying OS
  • Joined to an AD domain as a member
  • Networking is nothing special
  • SSH config is out of the box and pretty standard
  • All clients are on network with server
  • Seemingly not DNS; don’t matter if you’re using hostname, fqdn, or ip address

Clients that work (all using the same exact command to connect):

  • PuTTY from Windows boxes
  • Terminus from Windows boxes
  • SSH from literally any Linux box; domain joined or no
  • My Android phone
  • Anything else that has a roughly modern SSH client that is not the ssh client in Windows 10/11

I do understand this is probably a config with Windows. I’m just curious if anyone has a.) run into this and b.) found a solution. I’d normally shrug and go about my day since I’m on !Windows, but I’m trying to put together some basic PowerShell scripts for some of our tier 1 people on Windows and it would be nice to not have to factor in a third-party program being installed.

Hi, can you post the error you receive from Windows and the secure log of the Rocky server?

Thank you


I was getting information together and I realized my mistake. I’ll document my stupidity here in case someone else stumbles across it.

We’re moving all our Windows clients to being managed and existing in Microsoft Entra only. That means on a Windows client trying to ssh into a domain member server, you need to explicitly specify a domain user in your connection command/config instead of just relying on stuff passing through automagically and/or long-ago configured tools that take this into account.

Yah. I blame the lack of caffeine and my purposeful avoidance of Windows. >.<

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