Will Rocky Linux include openstack related repo in?

There no openstack related repo available on Rocky yet. If I search openstack on CentOS8, it will list three openstack release and I can install it. After install, the related openstack, virtualization, storage yum config files are generated. Then I can deploy OpenStack with packstack command.

# dnf search openstack
Last metadata expiration check: 0:46:29 ago on Thu 08 Jul 2021 02:34:56 PM CST.
=================================================== Name & Summary Matched: openstack ===================================================
centos-release-openstack-train.noarch : OpenStack from the CentOS Cloud SIG repo configs
centos-release-openstack-ussuri.noarch : OpenStack from the CentOS Cloud SIG repo configs
centos-release-openstack-victoria.noarch : OpenStack from the CentOS Cloud SIG repo configs

These seem like missing on Rocky so I am not able to deploy openstack as the same way as CentOS.
I am wondering if Rocky has planning to include them in?

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Add Repository of Openstack Wallaby on Rocky Linux 8.4.

dnf repolist
dnf install -y https://www.rdoproject.org/repos/rdo-release.el8.rpm
rpm -ql rdo-release-wallaby-1.el8.noarch
dnf repolist
dnf search openstack
dnf --enablerepo=openstack-wallaby -y upgrade

A while before I try to follow the same recipe, it leads me to install the Wallaby version. The problem following this approach is that Openstack CentOSStream rpm’s packages are installed and its dependencies are not necessarily installed in the system.


yum update

Problem 1: cannot install the best update candidate for package openvswitch2.15-2.15.0-6.el8s.x86_64

  • nothing provides libmlx5.so.1(MLX5_1.17)(64bit) needed by openvswitch2.15-2.15.0-35.el8s.x86_64
    Problem 2: package python3-openvswitch2.15-2.15.0-35.el8s.x86_64 requires openvswitch2.15 = 2.15.0-35.el8s, but none of the providers can be installed
  • cannot install the best update candidate for package python3-openvswitch2.15-2.15.0-6.el8s.x86_64
  • nothing provides libmlx5.so.1(MLX5_1.17)(64bit) needed by openvswitch2.15-2.15.0-35.el8s.x86_64
    (try to add ‘–skip-broken’ to skip uninstallable packages or ‘–nobest’ to use not only best candidate packages)

I thought for a moment to use mode --nobest, I doubt that it is scalable and it complicates the evolution of the platform.