Updating of Kernal packages in rocky 9.2

Hi Support,

Im doing manual updating for my rocky 9.2 server that has no internet access as its in an air gapped environment.

I bumped into this issue that to update the kernel-5.14.0-427.28.1.el9_4.x86_64, it need dependencies: kernel-modules-uname-r, kernel-modules-core-uname-r, kernel-uname-r.

i look into Rocky 9.4 repo vault, there isnt any of these RPMs in the list.

Seek help on how do i address this? what should i do?

Rocky Linux 9.2 is not supported.

Please see our version policy for more information.

Are you doing a full update or are you cherry picking packages? I ask because it appears you are attempting to cherry pick kernel updates which is not supported nor recommended.

Your output clearly states that a higher version of systemd is required, also, which is hinting to me you are cherry picking updates. This is not supported.

You are recommended to do a full sync of baseos, appstream, extras at a minimum (crb is optional, but recommended) into your air gapped environment and do a full dnf update.

A package provides files and features. A package may require other packages, files, and/or features.

dnf provides kernel-uname-r gives a long list of packages.
Likewise dnf rq --provides kernel-core-5.14.0-427.28.1.el9_4.x86_64
and dnf rq --list kernel-core-5.14.0-427.28.1.el9_4.x86_64
Show features and files, respectively, that are in that package.

# dnf -q rq --provides kernel-core-5.14.0-427.28.1.el9_4.x86_64 | grep kernel-uname-r
kernel-uname-r = 5.14.0-427.28.1.el9_4.x86_64

So you say “air gapped”. This is your problem. RedHat (and thus Rocky et al) is not designed to be updated on a package by package basis. That’s because their are dependencies; package A may depend on B,C,D; package B may depend on X,Y,Z and so on.

Working out this whole chain of dependencies is what yum (or dnf) does for you.

My recommendation is to mirror upstream repo into your air-gapped environment and point your machines to that mirror. Then a normal yum update will work.

If you’re trying to stay at “9.2” for some reason, then you’re going to fail. Security updates only get released for “current version” and because of the dependency chain you might as well update to “latest”.

If you really need to stay at an older version then you should pay for RedHat support, who can handle this.

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Hi All, after much discussion, i need to upgrade my rocky linux 9.2 to rocky 9.4 but still i cant have internet connection connected to my rocky linux. and ive been searching… it seems to be very technical. im still new to rocky and am learning everytime i have the opportunity.

question: is there a guide for me to refer or someone can explain in how to upgrade my rocky 9.2 to 9.4. i greatly appreciate it.