Unable to identify package providing the booted kernel

Hi All,

I am doing an OS upgrade from Rocky8 to Rocky9 using leapp
I am blocked by



2024-08-01 08:51:13.002388 [ERROR] Actor: scan_source_kernel
Message: Unable to identify package providing the booted kernel.

does anyone know how to fix this?

Thank you!

here is a KB article

can you share if you have access? thank you!


  • Check to see if the system are booted into the centos kernel.

From rpm command.


  # rpm -q kernel --queryformat "%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}-%{VENDOR}\n" | grep -i centos

From sosreport.


  # fgrep kernel sos_commands/rpm/package-data | cut -f 1-4
kernel-3.10.0-1160.el7.x86_64   Thu Nov 30 15:02:04 2023    1701324124  CentOS
  • Install the RHEL package instead of the CentOS packages.


  # yum reinstall kernel

thank you for your reply, when I run
rpm -qa | grep kernel
I am getting


I ran yum reinstall kernel, then a leapp preupgrade, got the same error as before

I should have mentioned this is from Rocky8 to Rocky9 upgrade

How did you do the upgrade? Rocky 8 and 9 are seperate distros and an upgrade is not supported. Maybe it can help to read the following topic:
Update Rocky Linux 8 to 9 - Rocky Linux Tech Help - Rocky Linux Forum

There is also an upgrade guide linked in the topic:
How to Upgrade from Rocky Linux 8 to 9 (linuxiac.com)

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Hi hs303,
I was using leapp upgrade, it worked well for centos7->Rocky8 upgrade, but stuck in the above error when I continue to do the upgrade from Rocky8 to Rocky9
I have tried the method in your link, here is the output
Last metadata expiration check: 0:22:49 ago on Mon 05 Aug 2024 07:56:09 AM CDT.
rocky-release-9.4-1.7.el9.noarch.rpm 67 kB/s | 24 kB 00:00
rocky-repos-9.4-1.7.el9.noarch.rpm 67 kB/s | 13 kB 00:00
rocky-gpg-keys-9.4-1.7.el9.noarch.rpm 80 kB/s | 13 kB 00:00
Dependencies resolved.

Package Architecture Version Repository Size

rocky-gpg-keys noarch 9.4-1.7.el9 @commandline 13 k
rocky-release noarch 9.4-1.7.el9 @commandline 24 k
rocky-repos noarch 9.4-1.7.el9 @commandline 13 k

Transaction Summary

Upgrade 3 Packages

Total size: 50 k
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Downloading Packages:
Running transaction check
Transaction check succeeded.
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded.
Running transaction
Preparing : 1/1
Running scriptlet: rocky-gpg-keys-9.4-1.7.el9.noarch 1/1
Upgrading : rocky-gpg-keys-9.4-1.7.el9.noarch 1/6
Upgrading : rocky-repos-9.4-1.7.el9.noarch 2/6
Upgrading : rocky-release-9.4-1.7.el9.noarch 3/6
Cleanup : rocky-release-8.10-1.9.el8.noarch 4/6
Cleanup : rocky-repos-8.10-1.9.el8.noarch 5/6
Cleanup : rocky-gpg-keys-8.10-1.9.el8.noarch 6/6
Running scriptlet: rocky-gpg-keys-8.10-1.9.el8.noarch 6/6
Line is not an assignment at ‘/usr/lib/sysctl.d/50-redhat.conf:8’: (null)
Couldn’t write ‘1’ to ‘net/ipv4/conf/*/rp_filter’, ignoring: No such file or directory
Couldn’t write ‘0’ to ‘net/ipv6/conf/all/accept_ra’, ignoring: No such file or directory
Couldn’t write ‘0’ to ‘net/ipv6/conf/all/accept_redirects’, ignoring: No such file or directory
Couldn’t write ‘1’ to ‘net/ipv6/conf/all/disable_ipv6’, ignoring: No such file or directory
Couldn’t write ‘0’ to ‘net/ipv6/conf/default/accept_ra’, ignoring: No such file or directory
Couldn’t write ‘0’ to ‘net/ipv6/conf/default/accept_redirects’, ignoring: No such file or directory
Couldn’t write ‘1’ to ‘net/ipv6/conf/default/disable_ipv6’, ignoring: No such file or directory
warning: %transfiletriggerin(systemd-239-82.el8_10.1.x86_64) scriptlet failed, exit status 1

Error in scriptlet in rpm package rocky-gpg-keys
Verifying : rocky-release-9.4-1.7.el9.noarch 1/6
Verifying : rocky-release-8.10-1.9.el8.noarch 2/6
Verifying : rocky-repos-9.4-1.7.el9.noarch 3/6
Verifying : rocky-repos-8.10-1.9.el8.noarch 4/6
Verifying : rocky-gpg-keys-9.4-1.7.el9.noarch 5/6
Verifying : rocky-gpg-keys-8.10-1.9.el8.noarch 6/6

rocky-gpg-keys-9.4-1.7.el9.noarch rocky-release-9.4-1.7.el9.noarch rocky-repos-9.4-1.7.el9.noarch


Can you run this command one more time with --verbose to see the debug messages?

thank you hs303, I tried a different strategy, it finally worked
sharing what I did
#Add Rocky Linux 9 Repositories
REPO_URL=“Index of /pub/rocky/9/BaseOS/x86_64/os/Packages/r/
#Remove Unnecessary Packages
sudo dnf -y remove rpmconf yum-utils epel-release
sudo rm -rf /usr/share/redhat-logos
#Install Rocky Linux 9 Packages
sudo dnf -y --releasever=9 --allowerasing --setopt=deltarpm=false distro-sync

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