Trouble installing MySQL Workbench

Having trouble installing MySQL Workbench

dnf repolist
repo id                                                repo name
appstream                                              Rocky Linux 9 - AppStream
baseos                                                 Rocky Linux 9 - BaseOS
brave-browser-rpm-release.s3.brave.com_x86_64_         created by dnf config-manager from
extras                                                 Rocky Linux 9 - Extras
mysql-connectors-community                             MySQL Connectors Community
mysql-tools-community                                  MySQL Tools Community
mysql80-community                                      MySQL 8.0 Community Server
[sadmin@localhost ~]$ sudo dnf install mysql-workbench-community
Rocky Linux 9 - BaseOS                                                                                                                                                              11 kB/s | 3.6 kB     00:00    
Rocky Linux 9 - BaseOS                                                                                                                                                             1.7 MB/s | 1.7 MB     00:00    
Rocky Linux 9 - AppStream                                                                                                                                                           12 kB/s | 3.6 kB     00:00    
Rocky Linux 9 - AppStream                                                                                                                                                          2.2 MB/s | 6.0 MB     00:02    
Rocky Linux 9 - Extras                                                                                                                                                              13 kB/s | 2.9 kB     00:00    
 Problem: cannot install the best candidate for the job
  - nothing provides needed by mysql-workbench-community-8.0.30-1.el8.x86_64
  - nothing provides needed by mysql-workbench-community-8.0.30-1.el8.x86_64
  - nothing provides needed by mysql-workbench-community-8.0.30-1.el8.x86_64
(try to add '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages or '--nobest' to use not only best candidate packages)

It seems to be because you are attempting to install mysql-workbench from an EL8 repository instead of choosing the EL9 repository for it to work on Rocky 9.

from this link: MySQL :: Download MySQL Yum Repository

I downloaded and updated the rpm, however the result is the same. Is there someway to download the Python libraries directly?

You downloaded the wrong rpm. See in the quote above it says EL8, you need the EL9 rpm or you use the RHEL9 repository from the link I provided. The python libraries will be found when you have the correct rpm.


after checking now, you cannot download the EL9 rpm. You have to use the repository which is accessible here: however this also doesn’t seem to have a workbench version to install.

So until they release one, it cannot be installed it seems.


Right, thank you for the help.

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