SSLH rpm package for Rocky Linux release 9.4 (Blue Onyx)

Dear Rocky users, i am trying to install the package called sslh i.e. that is an port multiplexer and unfortunatelly i see that this package is not available in the default instalation as well as not in the epel-release repo. I the problem i am facing is related to the version 9.4 i.e.

cat /etc/redhat-release
Rocky Linux release 9.4 (Blue Onyx)

I find thing package quite interesting and important and from different blogs that i found online i see that this package used to be in epel-release before . Can someone advise if there is any repo providing this packet. I really do not want to compile it from the source

on the target machine since i will have to install the whole IDE compiler chain etc. etc. and that is the reason i want to work with prebuild rpm.

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