Spamassassin startup?

RL 9.5, Spamassassin 3.4.6

Upon reboot, my logs show that spamassassin complains that dns cannot be reached. DNS (bind) runs on the same server as spamassassin, so I am guessing that the issue is that named isn’t running yet when spamassassin starts up. If I restart spamassassin.service everything works great.

I think what I need is to edit spamassassin.service to add a new target to the After line. Currently it specified and I do not see an available target file that looks like it will cause spamassassin to wait until named starts.

Can anyone help if a) I’ve got the issue analyzed correctly? and b) what the contents of an appropriate target file would be?


Adding named.service to the After= line, should do it. But, using a drop-in may be a better way, in case a future update updates spamassassin’s systemd unit.

It may bot be related to named, what name servers have you got configured in NetworkManager?

Regards Tom.

Thank you for the reply.

Network Manager reports the DNS server is the IP of my localnet DNS server which runs bind (named).

I will try adding named.service to the After line. I didn’t know you could add services there - thought they had to be targets.

I was unaware of the drop-in feature. Thank you for pointing that out. That’s what I used. I’m assuming if the drop-in file has a different After line than present in the primary service file that the drop-in overrides?


That’s correct.

Regards Tom.