Rocky Linux 9 - VirtualBox - Kernel Panic

Hi Buddies ,

Last year , I was searching about this problem and I was read this topic.

I downloaded RL 9.2 , and I tested RL 9.2 in Virtualbox 6.1 or 6.3 , I dont remember exactly what version I had on my system. But I was getting the same kernel panic when I do an installation of RL 9.

well… , now I do an upgrade to my Virtualbox to version 7.0.8 , and now , 0 problems.

I think Oracle was solve this problem with an upgrade of Virtualbox , because now its working.

and Thats all , if anybody can tell if this is correct , and solve the problem.

GG for Oracle.


I had a similar problem. RHEL9 moved the minimum hardware to x86_64-v2, and, on some systems, virtualbox wasn’t seeing all the cpu instrux and making them avail to the vm’s. I got around this by manually adding them, but virtualbox eventually fixed their issue around v7 and i could stop that. Google for POPCNT issue and you should pick up some thread (one of the instrux added that is tested for in rhel9)