Rocky Linux 9.4 and Gnome 46

Hi, I’m a newb here. Just asking if its possible for Rocky Linux 9.4 to work work with Gnome 46 ? Thanks ~

Rocky 9 comes with Gnome 40, and I don’t believe there are any third-party repositories that do provide Gnome 46. Therefore, no it’s not possible.

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You could probably build a newer version of Gnome, but you’d hit all kinds of problems very quickly.

You’d probably have to uninstall every desktop related package, then install incompatible libraries into custom locations, then add your build, then maintain it for the next ten years. A possible way forward would be to switch to Fedora, but then you lose the stabiilty, support and security of RHEL/Rocky.


Thanks for the reply but I’m a newb. I think such an operation would be beyond my skill set.

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