Rocky Linux 8 Errata not updated since 5th of April


it seems that the Rocky Linux 8 Errata has not been updated
since 5th of April. Compared to the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Errata there are several
important security updates missing. Even though the updates are available in the Rocky Linux 8

Any reason for not keeping the Rocky Linux Errata up to date?

Kind regards,

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We are aware of the deficiencies in our errata. A lot of the reasons why it’s not consistently up to date is:

  • Constant upstream changes make it difficult to piece everything together (and recently even red hat announced a change in how their errata is going to work) - This requires constant code changes that is hard to keep up with.
  • We have day jobs (and families), so combine that with maintaining the distribution, working on peridot v2, SIG activities, and other open source activities plus more, it makes maintaining something such as this difficult, that the end result ends up being we have to ultimately focus on the more important burning activities in our small amount of free time we can spend on the project.

We’ve asked for help on our tooling in the past. We’ve unfortunately not gotten feedback on that particular ask. So we request that if you or anyone wants to help, please look at “apollo” and provide feedback, PR’s or ideas so we can ensure that you and many others who rely on errata can continue to use it properly. You can find “apollo”, the tool behind our errata, below.

So erratta appears effectively dead for now, due to lack of volunteer manpower on this front? Is there anyplace I can track security releases for Rocky? I’m used to the maillist from Centos, but I understand that is not in place for the same or similar reasons.

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