Errata availability


On the website we can find a lot of erratas.
For example this latest one is visible: RLSA-2024:7346

But we can not see it in the UPDATEINFO.xml published on Rocky repos.

I am missing something, or this errata is just not available ?


Hi Thomas,

Thanks for reaching out! Our errata system has a number of manual pieces right now (for a variety of reasons). Specifically, adding the updateinfo to our repos is not automatic and requires us to issue some commands during the compose process. Again, for a number of reasons, this isn’t part of our compose process, normally.

That being said, I do try to update our repos with this info at least once a month. I’ve done so now and we’ll sync it out to repositories later today.


Hello Neil,

Thanks for the quick reply, really clear.

Just for info, the use case for me would be to be able to push 1x small critical errata using Foreman, without pushing a new content views containing all OS updates in Prod environnement that would require a bit of testing before going live.

Thanks again for all the work doing here.

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