Rhel: 11.2. creating virtual machine templates

11.2.1. Creating a virtual machine template using virt-sysprep

To create a cloning template from an existing virtual machine (VM), you can use the virt-sysprep utility. This removes certain configurations that might cause the clone to work incorrectly, such as specific network settings or system registration metadata. As a result, virt-sysprep makes creating clones of the VM more efficient, and ensures that the clones work more reliably.

I successfully created a template using the instructions from this section, but there is no instruction on how to use this template other than me just making duplicates and attaching it to a new vm. Am I assuming correctly this is how you use the template?

Actually this section did not work as I expected, the template still as the network information, so it has to be done manually as of 11.2.2. Creating a virtual machine template manually.

11.2.2. Creating a virtual machine template manually

b. Remove unique network details from ifcfg scripts by editing /etc/sysconfig/network-
scripts/ifcfg-eth as follows:

this file readme-ifcfg-rh.txt in this folder states;

NetworkManager stores new network profiles in keyfile format in the /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ directory.

and I don’t have this folder and I need to remove,

#HWADDR=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx ← REMOVE
#Remove any other unique or non-desired settings, such as UUID.

is this file located in another folder? I have not created any profiles.