Nodejs-16.20.2-4 appears in archive but not "dnf module info nodejs:16"

Is there a problem with the latest nodejs 16 update?

In the Rocky 8 archive, I see AppStream/x86_64/os/Packages/n/nodejs-16.20.2-4.module+el8.9.0+1760+903d54b9.x86_64.rpm, but this version does not appear in the nodejs:16 module.

I have enabled that module, and the latest version of nodejs that gets installed is nodejs-1:16.20.2-3.module+el8.8.0+1543+5f4d09d5. Running “dnf module info nodejs:16” shows only the -3 package as well.

Is there something missing in the repo metadata?

What’s with the epoch number on the 2-3 version?

A reasonable question. It is (and was) 1 for both -3 and -4. It seems there was a problem elsewhere in the repo metadata (that has since been fixed). An upgrade today now sees -4 as a candidate for this module.

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