Linux kernel 6.x not vailable for Rocky on ARM (RPi4)?

That seems to have done the trick, though I’m not sure why I have to resort to these kinds of shenanigans with disabling all repos to get it to work, I followed the elrepo instructions to a tee.

In any case I’m finally on kernel 6.1.1 and I can continue on to see if it’s possible to get CamillaDSP running on this RPi :slight_smile:

Huge thanks to everyone who helped me out!

After installing the 6.1.1 kernel I see that the wlan0 device is gone.
Does anyone know if there’s an easy fix to get it back?

I guess this might be the lack of RPi firmware, since I also can’t see any audio devices listed:

[rocky@camilladsp ~]$ arecord -l
arecord: device_list:275: no soundcards found...

I’m trying to set up a RPi as a CamillaDSP USB gadget between my PC and DAC, the
recommended OS was Ubuntu Server, but I’m not a fan and I want to keep all my headless devices on Rocky Linux. However I’m starting to wonder if this is going to be too much of an uphill battle at the moment? If I could have wifi and audio running then I think I should be pretty well off.

Turns out there is a problem with the repo file. Please open:


and enable [elrepo-kernel] and disable [elrepo]. This is a bug and will be corrected.

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This issue has been fixed.

Therefore no need to modify the elrepo.repo file any more. :slight_smile: