i can help you for the the translation and localization in French.
Hi Jayce,
I can help you with fr_CA which is almost the same as fr_FR.
Can help with that too if needed
Hello, i’m in if you need more people !
I can probably rope my wife in to help too if necessary, she’s french and fluent in English
Same here; If you need help with translation I’m here
Like @michelandre, I can also help with the subtleties of fr_CA.
Native speaker here, so I can help if it’s needed.
Native speaker also you can tell me if help needed for fr_FR.
Hello everyone,
I don’t want you to feel as if no one is paying attention or hearing your offers of translations. Right now there is work underway on translating the Rocky Linux website, and you can take part in website translation via Github and joining in the #rocky-www channel on Slack. You can also learn more about how to contribute to various teams on the wiki Contributing page.
Right now there isn’t a Rocky Linux build that is ready to translate, but once there is I’ll post here in the Localization category to make sure you (and anyone else who comments here) don’t miss that opportunity to help.
I don’t speak in an official capacity for the Rocky Linux Project but I wanted to come here and say thank you for all of this support for the project! My post is not intended to be the end of this conversation, just an update so that you know you’re seen and your support is appreciated
I am also available for French Canadian (fr-CA). I used to translate other software for French Canadian in my spare time. I was the official translator and reviewer for fr_CA on the Opera software until few years ago. Indeed, the Canadian French language is basically the same, but there are regionalisms and other local expressions that are typically Canadian ones.
So at this time it seems that not french translation neither french forum are in progress ?