Failed to update nginx from 1.20.1-14.el9.x86_64 to 1.24.0-1.el9.ngx.x86_64 due to several file conflicts during transaction test

Hello to all RL community.
This is my very first post on this forum. As I couldn’t find the topic about this particular issue, I’ve decided to open a new one so I hope that someone will help me on this matter.
As it is already described in the subject I have tried to install a new version of nginx package, so I had to add the specific repo for nginx, and after that I wanted to update the current version to the latest one.
However, during transaction test, I got a couple of errors regarding file conflicts. I assume the only way to resolve this issue is to completely remove the previous version of nginx and do the fresh installation of the latest package.
Since our reverse proxy is in the production, I am kindly asking if there is some “gentle” way of doing update without service outage.
The error output is as follows:

Error: Transaction test error:
  file /etc/logrotate.d/nginx from install of nginx-1:1.24.0-1.el9.ngx.x86_64 conflicts with file from package nginx-core-1:1.20.1-14.el9.x86_64
  file /etc/nginx/mime.types from install of nginx-1:1.24.0-1.el9.ngx.x86_64 conflicts with file from package nginx-core-1:1.20.1-14.el9.x86_64
  file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf from install of nginx-1:1.24.0-1.el9.ngx.x86_64 conflicts with file from package nginx-core-1:1.20.1-14.el9.x86_64
  file /usr/sbin/nginx from install of nginx-1:1.24.0-1.el9.ngx.x86_64 conflicts with file from package nginx-core-1:1.20.1-14.el9.x86_64
  file /var/log/nginx from install of nginx-1:1.24.0-1.el9.ngx.x86_64 conflicts with file from package nginx-core-1:1.20.1-14.el9.x86_64

Thank you in advance and kind regards from,

Rocky Linux supporter


So, you are leaving the terrain of the RL distribution with such activities. Its not clear what’s you goal or what’s wrong with the version of the distribution. The best way for problems with foreign packages is to ask there where the package comes from …

@Ritov Hello, thank you for your quick response.
The reason I’ve decided to update nginx is because I have errors in the nginx logs regarding SSL and I have found that this is a bug in nginx:

I didn’t wan’t to make any confusion, I know it is an nginx issue and not a RL one.
Sorry for any inconvenience made.
Kind regards,

Red Hat maintains the version of nginx (and other packages) that is in RHEL.
Rocky, due to its nature, has what RHEL has – bug for bug.

If Red Hat is made aware of issue that is in RHEL version of nginx, then they have three (four) options:
A. Backport a fix into the RHEL version
B. Rebase the package to upstream version
C. Release upstream version as separate Application Stream
D. Do nothing (now), if the issue is not serious

They prefer option A to option B and since RHEL 8 the option C does trump option B too.

What is in el9 now? (These outputs are from AlmaLinux 9, but still “close enough”):

$ dnf list nginx
Available Packages
nginx.x86_64   1:1.20.1-14.el9.alma.1     appstream

The default appears to be 1.20. I’d guess option D or A, because:

$ dnf module list nginx
Alma 9 - AppStream
Name           Stream         Profiles           Summary                
nginx          1.22           common [d]         nginx webserver        

Hint: [d]efault, [e]nabled, [x]disabled, [i]nstalled

RH has used option C (once) to add a stream for 1.22.

Use the 1.22. If that nginx has the issue too, then replicate the error with CentOS Stream 9 and report the “CentOS Stream bug” to Red Hat.

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Just to add the process (i assume that you have still the distro packages installed):

# yum module enable nginx:1.22
# yum update

Thank you very much for your support on this issue, I managed to update nginx to 1.22.1-3 as per @Ritov 's instructions.
Issue with nginx ssl errors is resolved.

Dear fellow :wink: ,
leave at least a like,
or best mark one or another
answer as a solution.
Only then ride into the sunset.

Yes, you are right 100% regarding my behavior, but luckily it’s something that I can easily fix.
My apologies.

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