Rocky 8.9 local repo is created and the ESET is being installed from Rocky client servers. Perl packages exists on the repo server but still getting the below error. Could someone help on this.
ESET installation is failing for Rocky8.9 withe the below error:
No available modular metadata for modular package ‘perl-4:5.32.1-472.module+el8.8.0+1134+a197a740.x86_64’, it cannot be installed on the system
No available modular metadata for modular package ‘perl-Algorithm-Diff-1.1903-10.module+el8.6.0+879+823e3012.noarch’, it cannot be installed on the system
No available modular metadata for modular package ‘perl-Archive-Tar-2.38-3.module+el8.6.0+879+823e3012.noarch’, it cannot be installed on the system
It appears you synced our repos and ran createrepo. This destroys modular metadata and will cause issues like these. I recommend properly doing a reposync keeping all metadata available.
Process that we followed to create localrepo was downloading the Rocky 8.9 ISO file and created repo for Appstream and BaseOS. Is there any other process like using reposync commands for Rocky as well similar to Centos. If so could you please provide the details of reposync commands.
To create Rocky 8 repo server, we have downloaded the Rocky 8.9 ISO and copied Appstream and baseos folders to /var/www/html and then created repodata there. We have used this localrepo URL on repo clients to get updates.
We are using 9.4 for all other roles. Rocky 8.9 is used for 1 role which is product dependent.
nothing provides module(platform:el8) needed by module container-tools:rhel8:8090020240429144526:e7857ab1.x86_64 from @modulefailsafe
Problem 2: conflicting requests
nothing provides module(platform:el8) needed by module llvm-toolset:rhel8:8090020240110182619:b46abd14.x86_64 from @modulefailsafe
Problem 3: conflicting requests
nothing provides module(platform:el8) needed by module perl:5.26:8050020211109115414:b4937e53.x86_64 from @modulefailsafe
Problem 4: conflicting requests
nothing provides module(platform:el8) needed by module perl-DBD-MySQL:4.046:8090020231016064114:0aad9023.x86_64 from @modulefailsafe
Problem 5: conflicting requests
nothing provides module(platform:el8) needed by module perl-DBD-SQLite:1.58:8090020231016064426:0aad9023.x86_64 from @modulefailsafe
Problem 6: conflicting requests
nothing provides module(platform:el8) needed by module perl-DBI:1.641:8090020231016030935:88fd4976.x86_64 from @modulefailsafe
Problem 7: conflicting requests
nothing provides module(platform:el8) needed by module perl-IO-Socket-SSL:2.066:8090020231016070024:88fd4976.x86_64 from @modulefailsafe
Problem 8: conflicting requests
nothing provides module(platform:el8) needed by module perl-libwww-perl:6.34:8090020231016070052:8af8375c.x86_64 from @modulefailsafe
Problem 9: conflicting requests
nothing provides module(platform:el8) needed by module python36:3.6:8090020231214163110:ed68999d.x86_64 from @modulefailsafe
Problem 10: conflicting requests
nothing provides module(platform:el8) needed by module virt:rhel:8090020240110182221:b46abd14.x86_64 from @modulefailsafe
You are getting that error because your repos are configured to point to your local ones already that have the wrong metadata. You should use the repo ids that are default in our rocky-repos package. Look for them here: