Documentation Meeting: Round 3

Alright everyone, it’s that time again! That’s right, it’s a meeting of the documentation team, and everyone’s invited.

The agenda (so far):

  • Share recent progress on example docs and the writing style guide, get feedback on the same.
  • Discuss future plans.
  • Drink a beverage of your choice.
  • Mildly annoy the people who like to finish meetings quickly.

Tell us when you’ll be available here: RockyDocs Meeting 3 - When2meet

Once we’ve established a date and time, I’ll update you all with the link to the Jitsi meeting.

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Hear ye! We’re calling it. Documentation Meeting Round 3 is happening on Saturday, February 20th.

The time: 21:00 UTC, or 3PM Central time.
The place:
The drinks: Up to you!

As usual, all are welcome. Let’s party / get things done.

Hey everyone, quick reminder: the next meeting of the documentation team is happening today-ish. I promise there will be no trust falls.