AVC denial - Sorry im new to Rocky

Hello everyone, new to rocky & loving it so far. Im trying to put together a Video editing set up ( davinci resolve )

when i try to launch it i get selinux - AVC denial, which doesnt let it launch,

Any ideas?

All the best

This somewhat old CentOS wiki article gives a good explanation of how to write custom modules. (Don’t worry, it isn’t hard, you run something called audit2allow which tells you what to do.


The whole article is worth reading but the section I just linked should be of immediate help.

Thanks for the reply… ill take a look at that!! am i right in saying this SElunix is like the security of the system?

Yes, selinux is “Security Enhanced Linux”

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Great thanks for that!!! ill give it ago

Hopefully i can get everything working as i need for video editing… the way rocky works & how quick it is… love it!!!

also its nice as just a general desktop to use

If you’re doing professional video you may be interested in https://dcpomatic.com/ for creating dcp’s. (dcp is the format used for content in movie theatres.)

The appimage works fine in Rocky 9. It actually encodes in very close to real time on my new Lenovo P3 worstation. :slight_smile:

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Hello Frank!!! Oh yeah thats lovely… ill take a look at that.

Are you running resolve by chance?

No. Sorry, I really don’t know anything about that.

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SELinux isn’t the security of the system but it greatly adds to the security of a system. For example, it might require that all files on your web server be in a particular spot, and files outside of that spot won’t be viewable. There’s all sorts of things that it does to enhance a machine’s security, but keep in mind it’s not the only means of a machine’s security.

If you get an selinux error (AVC denial), the first thing to do is show the exact text of the error message. It will help identify what exact operation is being attempted.

THanks for the reply! would you say rocky is quite secure… im coming from mac / windows… All i do is some basic internet browsing, reply to emails & video editing…

right got you… and then i can choose to allow that to happen or not right?

Each distribution of Linux is different. As it’s less common than Windows or Mac, fewer attacks are aimed at it. But still you have to use common sense. Much of this is something you’ll have to learn as you go along, but much is obvious, such as downloading questionable files, etc.

Yes, that’s the important part.

Blindly allowing everything would be like having no security at all.

But selinux also helps you find problems that are not related to security, like a misconfigured web server or database server trying to write to the wrong place.