Application crash with FlexLM on Rocky 9

Hi All
My application crashes with SIGSEGV on some systems with Rocky Linux 9.4. Interestingly, it runs fine on other machines with Rocky 9.4.
I tried to debug and discovered that it is crashing in FlexLM libraries. I experienced crash in FlxActBool flxActCommonLicSpcPopulateAllFromTS(FlxActLicSpc). There might be more but at least this one crashing is confirmed.
Sadly, the security mechanisms of FlexLM are not allowing me to run it with gdb or strace and issue a SIGKILL instantly.
We are using flexlm version 11.18.2

Any leads or pointers which may help me in debugging this.

What is FlexLM, what does it do?

I’m interested in knowing what the application is? If that app is crashing, then in reality they should be contacting the developer of that app and getting them to fix it.

AFAIK, FlexLM is a license manager implementation. Commercial, used by several proprietary application. The client that has FlexLM can read either local license file or/and contact FlexLM server to check whether the client has valid license. These can be node-locked or pool of tokens. Typically, clients use multiple tokens, i.e. “main program” and specific feature (sold separately, very special price just for you) need different license tokens.

This, definitely. The application vendor will then contact the FlexLM vendor.

The FlexLM is thrid-party and proprietary. There is very little anyone here can do about it.

  • Are there any differences between these and the “fine” systems?
  • Rocky Linux 9.4 is no longer supported. The only Rocky 9 is currently 9.5. I guess the application says “supported on Rocky 9.4”. The vendor has not tested on 9.5 and does not want liability for the rare cases, where version of Rocky makes a difference.

I am in the development team of that app. Currently trying to debug it and traced it down to crashing in FlexLM libraries. I researched online and discovered that other apps like photoshop also had similar issues with FlexLM. As it works on some systems and not on others, so it appeared like a configuration or a permission issue. Just wanted to explore the forum if someone else had run into similar issue and can give me some pointers.

We couldn’t find any differences between the systems. And have the same issue on Rocky 9.5 as well.

I’m pretty sure Photoshop doesn’t work on Linux anyway which is also proprietary closed source commercial software. Secondly, Rocky Linux doesn’t include FlexLM libraries since that also seems to be proprietary closed-source commercial software. I doubt anyone here is going to be able to help you with proprietary commercial closed-source software.

Sounds to me like you need to be talking to and getting support from the makers of FlexLM or FlexNet or whatever Flexera or Macrovision call it now.

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Thanks for the input. I will reach out to FlexLM community as well.

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This was the answer I was expecting. Not part of Rocky, and can’t do much without the source code and other inside information.