We can't use Startech PEX2S953 serial card with Rocky Linux 9.2

Startech says their cards are only supported for LTS kernels and should not require a driver installation. We ran dnf update.

I compiled their driver for older OSs but modprobe fails.

modprobe ax99100
modprobe: ERROR: could not insert ‘ax99100’: Key was rejected by service


i just had a google around, and found a couple of people with same card.

seems you have to build the driver, but before you do there are some issues with some of the code being out of date, and needing a small amount of edits.

this driver is not even in fedora 38 so not going to be in a downstream OS.

regards peter

Thanks. That looks similar but it’s a different card. I was able to compile but got a modprobe error. I had Googled Asix “AX99100” rocky linux 9.2 and didn’t get any results.

often a driver will carry all that manufacturers chips in it, so while not same card same driver.
i still think its relevant.

regards peter

We set Secure Boot to disabled in the BIOS and the module was inserted successfully. I think the problem was that it was not signed. Now we have two more serial ports in dmesg. I am going to let Startech know what we found.

Also, Startech says the card should have native support if it is an LTS kernel. I don’t know what LTS has to do with it but Rocky Linux has not been releasing LTS kernels. I wouldn’t expect the Asix chipset support to change from 5.14 to 5.15 but I don’t know anything about kernel development.

If you need an LTS kernel, you can give elrepo’s kernel-lt a try.

If the chipset is AX99100, the serial port driver could be downloaded from ASIX’s website.

I tried their driver works fine w/ Ubuntu 22.04 kernel v5.15.