On installation via gui or cli via kickstart generated w/ mkksiso used
My kickstart file (source not found when mount tried from ks)
repo --name=“AppStream” --baseurl=file:///run/install/sources/mount-
0000-cdrom/AppStream - This I copied from a manual successful install ks file of 9.3 to USB flash drive.
I saw in a post by midnightoil that just closed that this was used to fix the source not found:
url --url=file:///run/install/repo - reported as a fix
Does anyone know if this is entered as is in the ks file or is it replace file:///run/install/sources/mount-0000-cdrom/AppStream in ks?
I have trying to get this work for weeks and like others have no luck reading many posts. I would seem the install has changed for 8x and higher - 7x was not an issue to get working.
Many thanks-