Sssd automount fails


Some of our w/s with Rocky 9.5 fails to automount home directories. Our configurations has sssd with AD authentication, LDAP service for home directories, posix account etc. The nsswitch.conf entry for automount looks like this:

automount: sss files

automount -m list all the mounts, but once the user tries to login his home directory not mounted, although the service is running. Executing the command ps -ef | grep mount, you get a list of a number of process that try to mount the directories
We set the debug_level to 9 and we get the following errors
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [sbus_method_handler] (0x2000): Received D-Bus method sssd.DataProvider.Autofs.GetMap on /sssd
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [sbus_senders_lookup] (0x2000): Looking for identity of sender [sssd.autofs]
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [dp_attach_req] (0x0400): [RID#45] DP Request [AutoFS #45]: REQ_TRACE: New request. [sssd.autofs CID #1] Flags [0000].
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [dp_attach_req] (0x0400): [RID#45] [CID #1] Backend is offline! Using cached data if available
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [dp_attach_req] (0x0400): [RID#45] Number of active DP request: 1
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [sdap_autofs_get_map_handler_send] (0x0200): [RID#45] Requested refresh for: auto.master
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [sdap_autofs_invalidate_maps] (0x0200): [RID#45] Refresh of automount master map triggered: auto.master
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [sysdb_merge_res_ts_attrs] (0x2000): [RID#45] TS cache doesn’t handle this DN type, skipping
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [sysdb_entry_attrs_diff] (0x0400): [RID#45] Entry [name=auto.master,cn=autofsmaps,cn=custom,cn=xx.yy.zz,cn=sysdb] differs, reason: ts_cache doesn’t trace this type of entry.
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [sysdb_set_entry_attr] (0x0200): [RID#45] Entry [name=auto.master,cn=autofsmaps,cn=custom,cn=xx.yy.zz,cn=sysdb] has set [cache] attrs.
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [sysdb_autofs_entries_by_map] (0x0400): [RID#45] Getting entries for map auto.master
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [sysdb_merge_res_ts_attrs] (0x2000): [RID#45] TS cache doesn’t handle this DN type, skipping
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [sysdb_merge_res_ts_attrs] (0x2000): [RID#45] TS cache doesn’t handle this DN type, skipping
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [sysdb_merge_res_ts_attrs] (0x2000): [RID#45] TS cache doesn’t handle this DN type, skipping
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [sysdb_autofs_entries_by_map] (0x2000): [RID#45] found 3 entries for map auto.master
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [sysdb_entry_attrs_diff] (0x0400): [RID#45] Entry [name=/extraspaceldap:ou\,dc\3Dcs,dc\3Dxx,dc\3Dyy,dc\3Dzz,name=auto.master,cn=autofsmaps,cn=custom,cn=xx.yy.zz,cn=sysdb] differs, reason: ts_cache doesn’t trace this type of entry.
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [sysdb_set_entry_attr] (0x0200): [RID#45] Entry [name=/extraspaceldap:ou\,dc\3Dcs,dc\3Dxx,dc\3Dyy,dc\3Dzz,name=auto.master,cn=autofsmaps,cn=custom,cn=xx.yy.zz,cn=sysdb] has set [cache] attrs.
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [sysdb_entry_attrs_diff] (0x0400): [RID#45] Entry [name=/homeldap:ou\3Dauto.home,dc\3Dcs,dc\3DH,dc\3Dyy,dc\3Dzz,name=auto.master,cn=autofsmaps,cn=custom,cn=xx.yy.zz,cn=sysdb] differs, reason: ts_cache doesn’t trace this type of entry.
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [sysdb_set_entry_attr] (0x0200): [RID#45] Entry [name=/homeldap:ou\3Dauto.home,dc\3Dcs,dc\3Dxx,dc\3Dyy,dc\3Dzz,name=auto.master,cn=autofsmaps,cn=custom,cn=xx.yy.zz,cn=sysdb] has set [cache] attrs.
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [sysdb_entry_attrs_diff] (0x0400): [RID#45] Entry [name=/homenfs4ldap:ou\3Dauto.homenfs4,dc\3Dcs,dc\3Dxx,dc\3Dyy,dc\3Dzz,name=auto.master,cn=autofsmaps,cn=custom,cn=xx.yy.zz,cn=sysdb] differs, reason: ts_cache doesn’t trace this type of entry.
2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [sdap_id_op_connect_step] (0x4000): [RID#45] beginning to connect
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [fo_resolve_service_send] (0x0100): [RID#45] Trying to resolve service ‘LDAP’
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [get_server_status] (0x1000): [RID#45] Status of server ‘’ is ‘not working’
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [fo_resolve_service_send] (0x0020): [RID#45] No available servers for service ‘LDAP’
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [be_resolve_server_done] (0x1000): [RID#45] Server [NULL] resolution failed: [5]: Input/output error
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [sdap_id_op_connect_done] (0x0040): [RID#45] Failed to connect, going offline (5 [Input/output error])
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [be_mark_offline] (0x2000): [RID#45] Going offline!
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [be_mark_offline] (0x2000): [RID#45] Enable check_if_online_ptask.
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [be_ptask_enable] (0x0080): [RID#45] Task [Check if online (periodic)]: already enabled
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [be_run_offline_cb] (0x4000): [RID#45] Flag indicates that offline callback were already called.
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [sdap_id_op_connect_done] (0x4000): [RID#45] notify offline to op #1
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [sdap_autofs_get_map_connect_done] (0x0020): [RID#45] LDAP connection failed [11]: Resource temporarily unavailable
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [dp_req_done] (0x0400): [RID#45] DP Request [AutoFS #45]: Request handler finished [11]: Resource temporarily unavailable
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [dp_req_done] (0x20000): [RID#45] DP Request [AutoFS #45]: Handling request took [4.569] milliseconds.
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [_dp_req_recv] (0x0400): [RID#45] DP Request [AutoFS #45]: Receiving request data.
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [dp_req_destructor] (0x0400): [RID#45] DP Request [AutoFS #45]: Request removed.
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [dp_req_destructor] (0x0400): [RID#45] Number of active DP request: 0
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [sbus_issue_request_done] (0x0040): sssd.DataProvider.Autofs.GetMap: Error [11]: Resource temporarily unavailable
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [sdap_id_release_conn_data] (0x4000): [RID#45] Releasing unused connection with fd [-1]
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [sbus_dispatch] (0x4000): Dispatching.
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [sbus_dispatch] (0x4000): Dispatching.
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [sbus_dispatch] (0x4000): Dispatching.
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [sbus_method_handler] (0x2000): Received D-Bus method sssd.DataProvider.Autofs.Enumerate on /sssd
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [sbus_senders_lookup] (0x2000): Looking for identity of sender [sssd.autofs]
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [dp_attach_req] (0x0400): [RID#46] DP Request [AutoFS #46]: REQ_TRACE: New request. [sssd.autofs CID #1] Flags [0000].
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [dp_attach_req] (0x0400): [RID#46] [CID #1] Backend is offline! Using cached data if available
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [dp_attach_req] (0x0400): [RID#46] Number of active DP request: 1
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [sdap_autofs_enumerate_handler_send] (0x0200): [RID#46] Requested refresh for: auto.master
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [sdap_autofs_invalidate_maps] (0x0200): [RID#46] Refresh of automount master map triggered: auto.master
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [sysdb_merge_res_ts_attrs] (0x2000): [RID#46] TS cache doesn’t handle this DN type, skipping
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [sysdb_entry_attrs_diff] (0x0400): [RID#46] Entry [name=auto.master,cn=autofsmaps,cn=custom,cn=xx.yy.zz,cn=sysdb] differs, reason: ts_cache doesn’t trace this type of entry
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [sysdb_autofs_entries_by_map] (0x0400): [RID#46] Getting entries for map auto.master
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [sysdb_merge_res_ts_attrs] (0x2000): [RID#46] TS cache doesn’t handle this DN type, skipping
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [sysdb_merge_res_ts_attrs] (0x2000): [RID#46] TS cache doesn’t handle this DN type, skipping
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [sysdb_merge_res_ts_attrs] (0x2000): [RID#46] TS cache doesn’t handle this DN type, skipping
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [sysdb_autofs_entries_by_map] (0x2000): [RID#46] found 3 entries for map auto.master
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [sysdb_entry_attrs_diff] (0x0400): [RID#46] Entry [name=/extraspaceldap:ou\,dc\3Dcs,dc\3Dxx,dc\3Dyy,dc\3Dzz,name=auto.master,cn=autofsmaps,cn=custom,cn=xx.yy.zz,cn=sysdb] differs, reason: ts_cache doesn’t trace this type of entry.
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [sysdb_set_entry_attr] (0x0200): [RID#46] Entry [name=/extraspaceldap:ou\,dc\3Dcs,dc\3Dxx,dc\3Dyy,dc\3Dzz,name=auto.master,cn=autofsmaps,cn=custom,cn=xx.yy.zz,cn=sysdb] has set [cache] attrs.
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [sysdb_entry_attrs_diff] (0x0400): [RID#46] Entry [name=/homeldap:ou\3Dauto.home,dc\3Dcs,dc\3Dxx,dc\3Dyy,dc\3Dzz,name=auto.master,cn=autofsmaps,cn=custom,cn=xx.yy.zz,cn=sysdb] differs, reason: ts_cache doesn’t trace this type of entry.
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [sysdb_set_entry_attr] (0x0200): [RID#46] Entry [name=/homeldap:ou\3Dauto.home,dc\3Dcs,dc\3Dxx,dc\3Dyy,dc\3Dzz,name=auto.master,cn=autofsmaps,cn=custom,cn=xx.yy.zz,cn=sysdb] has set [cache] attrs.
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [sysdb_entry_attrs_diff] (0x0400): [RID#46] Entry [name=/homenfs4ldap:ou\3Dauto.homenfs4,dc\3Dcs,dc\3Dxx,dc\3Dyy,dc\3Dzz,name=auto.master,cn=autofsmaps,cn=custom,cn=xx.yy.zz,cn=sysdb] differs, reason: ts_cache doesn’t trace this type of entry.
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [sysdb_set_entry_attr] (0x0200): [RID#46] Entry [name=/homenfs4ldap:ou\3Dauto.homenfs4,dc\3Dcs,dc\3Dxx,dc\3Dyy,dc\3Dzz,name=auto.master,cn=autofsmaps,cn=custom,cn=xx.yy.zz,cn=sysdb] has set [cache] attrs.
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [sdap_id_op_connect_step] (0x4000): [RID#46] beginning to connect
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [fo_resolve_service_send] (0x0100): [RID#46] Trying to resolve service ‘LDAP’
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [get_server_status] (0x1000): [RID#46] Status of server ‘’ is ‘not working’
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [fo_resolve_service_send] (0x0020): [RID#46] No available servers for service ‘LDAP’
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [be_resolve_server_done] (0x1000): [RID#46] Server [NULL] resolution failed: [5]: Input/output error
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [sdap_id_op_connect_done] (0x0040): [RID#46] Failed to connect, going offline (5 [Input/output error])
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [be_mark_offline] (0x2000): [RID#46] Going offline!
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [be_mark_offline] (0x2000): [RID#46] Enable check_if_online_ptask.
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [be_ptask_enable] (0x0080): [RID#46] Task [Check if online (periodic)]: already enabled
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [be_run_offline_cb] (0x4000): [RID#46] Flag indicates that offline callback were already called.
(2025-02-02 12:47:34): [be[xx.yy.zz]] [sdap_id_op_connect_done] (0x4000): [RID#46] notify offline to op #1

Executing nslookup for the ldap server, works fine both reverse and forward records.

Has anyone get these errors?

Best regards
