Hey everyone… is there anyway to find out what the difference is??? / which is most recommened
Hey everyone… is there anyway to find out what the difference is??? / which is most recommened
RPMFusion provides software, codecs, and other packages that Red Hat nor Fedora will ship. It will also have nvidia drivers.
ELRepo is for newer kernels and drivers for hardware that Enterprise Linux does not support or have enabled in the default kernel. Nvidia drivers are also provided here.
They both serve different cases and choosing one over the other in majority of cases is not necessary.
Thanks for the reply… right… not really sure what to do…
So, would you say it doesnt matter?? / should install both? - sorry im new here, trying to learn
I use both, as @nazunalika said, both have different things in them. So you will find yourself using things in rpmfusion that elrepo doesn’t have and vice-versa.
hiya!! got you… i thought it was literally choose 1 or the other… thats why i was a little unsure on what to go ahead with
There is one thing that both repos do offer: NVidia’s proprietary drivers. If you do need those, then you have to choose from which to install them from, and take measures to prevent NVidia packages from the other repo from sneaking in.
Personally, I do prefer the ELRepo’s version of those drivers.
thanks for the reply… ah right got you… well at the moment i cant get elrepos to install,
cant seem to get anything thats ’ kmod’ to install but ‘akmod’ does - still trying to learn what that means / how to solve it
I’m one of the devs at ELRepo. Please let us know some details about what you’re trying to do.