Rocky Linux reposynch for each minor release

I have a local repo for Rocky Linux 8. I am planning to add 9 also question is do I synch from the Rocky Linux 9.0? Or do I have to update my repo file to for each minor release?

9.0 is not supported. Only the latest is supported. We highly recommend syncing from the current and latest repositories.

I was ask as general practice. How to always have the most current minor version of 9 without having to manually update my mirror url. IE 9.0 to 9.1 My current mirror for Rocky 8 is hosted on a Rocky 8 box.

I setup my Rocky repo file like below in order to sync the repo. I wish there was a way so when repossync ran it didn’t create the directory as appstream9 and baseos9. But I couldn’t think how else to configure the repo file so it gets 9 repo and not 8.

name=Rocky Linux 9 - BaseOS

name=Rocky Linux 9 - AppStream

I would use


Each Rocky 9 does have $releasever==9.

Then – just like on the official mirrors – have a symlink 99.1.
When your local repo gets the 9.2 content, you can update the symlink to point to 9.2.