Rocky linux 9.4 update error

The problem disappeared for me … dnf works fine now.

dnf works fine now.

Hiya folks - I looked into these issues and found a couple mirrors (including one in Turkey) which was presenting different content via rsync than they were over HTTP. Since mirrormanager prefers to check over rsync, this was not being caught. I’m going to add some periodic jobs to send me alerts if this happens in the future.


I hope it doesn’t happen again

I’m unable to run dnf update and encountering below error.Can you help me fix this

That would suggest your network configuration is wrong and doesn’t resolve DNS.

I was able to ping from server but was not able to find /etc/resolve.conf in the server to check upon DNS entries.

That’s not surprising because the name of the file is actually resolv.conf

If the file is missing (note that it has no e on the end) then you haven’t set up your networking properly or possibly at all. What are you using for network address assignments? dhcp? Direct assignment? Something else?

/etc/resolv.conf file was not present, but after creating /etc/resolv.conf file and adding DNS entries we are able to update packages

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