Updated a Virtualization Host Server to RL9.4 yesterday and 24 hours later, TOP, /proc/meminfo, System Monitor are reporting 99% memory utilization. Even after shutting down all the virtualization clients (turn off auto-start) and rebooting, system instantly reports 99% memory utilization before virtualization starts via TOP, /proc/meminfo, System Monitor. System is using OpenVSwitch with DPDK enabled as it was in RL9.3
Discovered error via fire drill method, via the documentation Open vSwitch with DPDK — Open vSwitch 3.3.90 documentation it talks about setting “echo ‘vm.nr_hugepages=2048’ > /etc/sysctl.d/hugepages.conf” or “sysctl -w vm.nr_hugepages=N # where N = No. of 2M huge pages”. If you follow the “sysctl.d/hugepages.conf” method or “grubby --args hugepages=2048 --update-kernel DEFAULT” method it applies as 204% of memory but if you apply via the “sysctl -w vm.nr_hugepages=N # where N = No. of 2M huge pages” method and say 8 or 16 or 32 it applies and doesn’t over-allocate system memory.
Not sure, I have posted the same thing to the OpenvSwitch community as well. Have several other servers running 9.3 and 1/2 versions back of OpenvSwitch/DPDK and while they show the memory usage high, they are not crashes like this one was. Now that I have a working workaround will attempt to update another server as well and see if issue follows.