I was trying to create a VM in Azure with Rocky 8.10, but looks like for UAE North account it is not published. Azure search tells that for 8.X the latest version is 8.8, but if I try to create a VM in this region using Rocky-8-lvm image it is created with Rocky 8.9.
Is 8.10 somehow accessible for UAE North?
Thanks in advance!
If you create with 8.9 image and then when it’s running, do:
dnf update
you will then be on Rocky 8.10.
Greetings! Thanks for the hint, that for sure works, but I’m asking because we are planning some application tests which would require VM provisioning and installation of some piece of software, and if for each test run we required upgrading the system (and vm restart i guess) that would complicate life a little bit and make the provisioning two times longer than if it would be 8.10 out of the box. So that is why I am asking about 8.10 explicitly