RL8 kickstart and OSCAP Anaconda


I want to automate installation of RL8 with kickstart, everything works as expected… except application of the security profile with the OSCAP Anaconda plugin.

here are the corresponding lines in my custom.ks file

%addon org_fedora_oscap
    content-type = scap-security-guide
    datastream-id = scap_org.open-scap_datastream_from_xccdf_ssg-rhel8-xccdf-1.2.xml
    xccdf-id = scap_org.open-scap_cref_ssg-rhel8-xccdf-1.2.xml
    profile = xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_profile_anssi_bp28_minimal

and the error message during installation

Something went wrong during the final hardering: 
Content evaluation and remediation with the oscap tool failed: 
OpenSCAP Error: 
Failed to locate a datastream with ID matching 'scap_org.open-scap_datastream_from_xccdf_ssg-rhel8-xccdf-1.2.xml' ID 
and checklist inside matching 'scap_org.open-scap_cref_ssg-rhel8-xccdf-1.2.xml' ID.

I tried to change the name (rhel8 > rl8) of the following files but the result is worse : I have python errors…

%addon org_fedora_oscap
    content-type = scap-security-guide
    datastream-id = scap_org.open-scap_datastream_from_xccdf_ssg-rl8-xccdf-1.2.xml
    xccdf-id = scap_org.open-scap_cref_ssg-rl8-xccdf-1.2.xml
    profile = xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_profile_anssi_bp28_minimal

Does anyone have an idea?
