Rhel 8.5 finally released

Yes, I run VMware and it is a bit more picky. :slight_smile:

It makes sense to wait a bit for 8.5, if it’s going to have Secure Boot (for many reasons), but the big reason is to get the new ISO right. The install media will need to boot without issue on a wide range of bare metal and VM guests, and the kernel modules will all need to be correctly signed.


thanks @nazunalika and everyone in the team that was so much improvement from the time used to release 8.4 before and even with the addition to the secure boot
well done and thanks for all good work you do :slight_smile:


I have tried the new version. However, I found that some packages are missing. These are removed?

Which packages and compared to what version?

Thank you very much for your reply! I
I used RockyLinux 8.4 before. Yesterday, I setup my new PC with RockyLinux 8.5. But I found that some packages can not be found, such as neovim, ranger, konsole. Moreover, some issues also exist. For instance, when I install mpich using commmand ‘dnf install mpich’, but I can not found mpirun. I have to use command ’ find /usr -name ‘mpirun’ ’ to find the path, and add it to the $PATH variable. Is this the new features of RockLinux-8.5? Or there exist some problem?

EPEL has neovim, ranger, and konsole5. Did you disable ‘epel’ during update?

dnf provides *bin/mpirun says that packages mpich, mvapich2, mvapich2-psm2, and openmpi all have ‘mpirun’.
You obviously can have only one that you get when you say ‘mpirun’.

dnf repoquery --whatrequires environment-modules tells that every MPI-implementation requires “modules”.
What do you get with module avail?
Does that list “mpi/mpich-x86_64”? Does the list have any other “mpi/*”?

If that is the only such entry, then you can do: module load mpi.
If there are other, then be more explicit: module load mpi/mpich-x86_64

The module load modifies the environment of your current shell. For example, could append to PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

You can see currently loaded “environments” with module list and undo the changes with module rm mpi.

That way you can have multiple implementations installed, but at most one enabled at any given time.

PS. rpm -l mpich | grep mpirun or dnf repoquery -l mpich | grep mpirun are probably quicker than the find /usr.

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Thank you so much for your kind reply!
I belive that it solves my problems!

Best regards,
Jerry Fan