Random connectivity issues with NetworkManager


We have migrated from Centos to Rocky Linux 9.2 recently. After the migration we are seeing some weird behaviour with NetworkMananger. Everything is working well and good with out default eth0 interface. We are seeing issues when we configure other interfaces:

  1. On configuring eth1 interface, everything gets setup fine and we are able to ssh via eth1 ip as well as ssh is setup. But at times the ssh connectivity abruptly ends (usually after 20-30 minutes) and we can no longer connect via ssh. This is random and does no always happen. If we login to the terminal via esxi and restart NetworkManager, everything starts working again. Sometimes a single restart does not help and we might have to restart NetworkManager multiple times.

  2. On configuring eth3 interface, we again face issue of not being able to connect to other ips via eth3. This is again random and at times there are no issues in connectivity. Connectivity to other ips via eth0 still works. When issue occurs we can fix it by restarting NetworkManager. Sometimes a single restart does not help and we might have to restart NetworkManager multiple times.

In both cases we need to restart NetworkManager once or multiple times to fix the issue which points to something wrong with NetworkMananger.

Has anyone faced any similar issue and any thoughts on this? We have been stuck for more than a week and still have no clue on this. Any help would be really appreciated.


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