Proxy configuration refuses connection to firefox

Hi all,

I have installed rocky linux on a VM. I wanted to use the url ( with out proxy on the server.
I have added the ip 192.168.* to the no_proxy configuration to the environment variables on rocky liniux 9 server. Somehow this no proxy seems doesnot work for the ips that was filtered on the server. when I use wget I get the below error.

Proxy tunneling failed: Gateway TimeoutUnable to establish SSL connection.

Atleast after adding the proxy to /etc/dnf/dnf.conf with curl i can establish connection. But still i cannot acess via firefox it says connection time out. If i change settings on firefox to no proxy then i can access But why its not using no proxy that was set on environment varilables?

Can any one suggest whats wrong?

Have you set Firefox to ‘Use system proxy setting’ (via about:preferences) ?

Also see: Using system wide proxy setting in Linux | Firefox Support Forum | Mozilla Support

Yes, I did but still no luck, I have the below error
If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure that Firefox is permitted to access the web.

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