Official package search website for rocky linux?

Is there a package search page for rocky linux? All other distributions have it.

You can use This provides a search for our distribution and more.

Yes, but they are not the official source, the information might be inconsistent.

You can also use dnf for that:

dnf search <package>

you may wish to play around with package name to find what you want, but that is no different than using

Some examples:

dnf search http
dnf list http*

The first doesn’t need asterisks to find if any other characters follow the name, eg: httpd. The second will only search for an exact phrase, so the asterisk is needed if unsure. Either before or after, eg: dnf list *http*

That will only search for repos that are enabled, so is actually better since the above will not work if a certain repo is disabled that hosts the particular package.

The dnf list does also filter by name of package. The dnf search does look at other metadata too?
There is also

dnf provides *bin/htt\*

for: “Is there a file or directory whose name starts with ‘htt’, and that is in directory whose name ends with ‘bin’?”
The result is packages that provide such file.

These ‘dnf’ commands search from repositories that our system knows of. (Has enabled.)

There are third-party repositories. Whether you want/dare to enable them is up to you. To spot them you basically need the, or more generally a websearch for “<package> rpm”.

The Rocky is like RHEL – “focused”. Plenty more packages are in EPEL. That (safe) third-party repo you get in use with:

dnf install epel-release

Thanks for the info, I’m totally aware of such functionality since almost all package managers have it. But I was specifically asking for a website version of the package database, because sometimes I just need to know if a package exist on my phone without needing login into a machine.

For that I do browse to my nearest Rocky/EPEL repo mirror. Yes, not the most convenient, but gets the jobs done.

And that was answered in the very first reply by @nazunalika which is the easiest resource to search on.

Maybe the Peridot build system could provide a convenient overview of packages like Koji does? That would in principal a good feature for the new build system. Or not?

Yes, it would. PR’s welcome.

As I mentioned in my first reply, I would like to have the official source of it. And it would be better if the page contains other information like dependencies, included files etc like arch linux: Arch Linux - glibc 2.40+r16+gaa533d58ff-2 (x86_64)

Well there isn’t, so you will just have to use The Rocky team is busy maintaining more important stuff than a package list that is already done by someone else. Or perhaps you would like to offer your services and join the Rocky team to create it if it is really that important for you?

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Well, actually, there is. @nazunalika metioned the peridot, but it only have names and versions. You can find it at Peridot Build.

Not official but as mentioned here, there is also rpmfind

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