Missing files from Tomcat Rocky Linux distro vs apache.org download

Rocky Linux 9.5 distro’s Tomcat 9.0 package installation does not have the the shell scripts and jar files found in Apach.org’s download for the same version. In the apache.org Tomcat download, these files exists in /usr/share/apache-tomcat-9.0.98/bin and are not in the Rocky Linux Tomcat 9.0 package:

What is the reason for not including them in the Rocky distro?

The jar files exist, bootstrap.jar in the main tomcat package. tomcat-juli.jar in the tomcat-lib package.

The question I have is why do you need them? Maybe you can explain that? Tomcat is started and stopped using systemd and any config changes you may make are done in the following files rather than the shell scripts:


and most likely since the changes to config are made in the above files, you no longer need to edit the shell script files like you have to do when you use the package from Apache’s website.

So the question is, why do you need those shell scripts and for what reason? That said, you can always download and use the one from Apache’s website.

You are absolutely correct in the startup and shutdown using Systemd and it is the method Tomcat is started/stopped here. The two script that come in handy for troubleshooting SSL The need for the scripts is specific to the ciphers.sh and checkconfig.sh scripts, which assist in troubleshooting SSL issues. The other scripts I do not need.

I pulled these two scripts from the Apache.org package and will tweak them. Thank you for your reply

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Yeah the scripts that you downloaded should work fine, and probably won’t need tweaking too much.

As to the reason why doesn’t Rocky have those scripts is because Rocky is based on RHEL and RHEL don’t include the scripts either. Someone at Red Hat obviously didn’t include them for a reason. Since Rocky is 1:1 with RHEL, if RHEL doesn’t have it, neither does Rocky.