Looking for the (as much as possible detailed) guide for configuring KVM on Rocky Linux 9.4

Hi jlehtone,
thank you for your response.
First of all I would have certainly used copy/paste option if it worked. Alas! This is the web iLO interface rather than a regular terminal… no luck.
I tried disabling the IP6 interface but received an error in response:
“Error: invalid or not allowed setting ‘ipv6’: ‘ipv6’ not among [connection, 802-3-ethernet (ethernet), 802-1x…”
Anyway, the virt-manager is actually what I am using and it is it that informed me about the “No active connection to install on”.
What could I miss?
Best regards,

Doh! What was I thinking? The ens1f0np0 is enslaved to br0; it has no ipv4 nor ipv6 settings.
I should have written:

sudo nmcli c mod br0 ipv6.method disabled

Because it is the br0 that does have ipv4 and ipv6 settings.

Do you start the virt-manager with your own account, or as root? (E.g. via sudo, etc.)

The virt-manager starts for me with already connected to localhost. I think it has option to “disconnect”, so probably also an option to “connect” if it is disconnected.
For managing other hosts, I do add connections (that do use ssh root@remote with ssh keypair authentication).

Actually I am now connected via iLO connection and logged in as root (for the time of installation anyway). On my original system (which crashed on me recently and which I am now trying to recreate) it had also always stayed connected. Now it is disconnected but on the other hand the VM wasn’t created yet…

BTW, how to ensure the virt-manager is connected automatically?

FWIW, you can verify the slave devices are properly connected to the bridge wiith nmcli -f BRIDGE.SLAVES device show br0 (this is a field that isn’t shown by default).

You can also run ip -4 a to verify that the ens… interface doesn’t have an address assigned, only the bridge.

Not a day without a problem! Yesterday the system was working OK, had the external connections and all - suddenly today (after reboot?) despite the configuration looks OK, there is no connection: nothing is pingable…

Any ideas?
Thank everyone in advance!

Additionally… When I requested the connections statuses with nmcli conn show, the bridge br0 was up (displayed green) while the slave (ens1f0np0) was not (displayed black). Is it how it is supposed to be in this configuration?
Not that it changed anything when I said nmcli conn up ens1f0npo0 - despite it is now shown up, connection is not restored :frowning:

Guys! Pay attention at my problem, please! I reset the network switch, and the network configuration looks OK to me - but I still cannot ping any external node. What should I do and where to look?
Thank you!