Kernel-core error at install

I try to build a small rocky linux image (8GB) with the minimal-install & ANSSI-enhanced security profile applied. I use the dvd install.
The profile asks for a peculiar partitioning scheme and each one of my tries ends with a :
dnf error error in POSTTRANS scriptlet in rpm package kernel-core

I think it’s related to how I size the partitions because a minimal install with automatic partitioning works fine (but I can’t apply the profile).

Here’s my last attempt :

/boot            >> 512MB
/opt             >> 16MB (not used)
/tmp             >> 128MB
/srv             >> 16MB (not used)
/home            >> 128MB
/usr             >> 2GB
/var             >> 512MB
/var/log         >> 1GB
/var/tmp/        >> 128MB
/var/log/audit/  >> 128MB
swap             >> 2GB
/                >> remaining space

Do you have an idea what’s wrong here ?

actually, when I build a 20GB image, giving at least 1GB to each partition, everything works fine.
I’ll start from there, reduce each one progressively and see where it leads.

I am currently working on creating a KS script for a small rocky installation and have come across the same error as mentioned above. Would you mind sharing what the minimum size of each of your partitions is for it to work normally?

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