Issues starting core services Rocky 9 on Raspberry Pi 3

Hello braintrust,

We have a Raspberry Pi 3 that we i’ve imaged with RockyLinuxRpi_9.1.img, and on first boot, we’re getting a lot of core system services that fail to start, like:

  • User Login Management
  • Security Auditing Service
  • D-Bus System Message Bus

These services time out when trying to start, then cycle and try again. We’ve had zero issues with Rocky 8 on the same Pi, but Rocky 9 just won’t start. Any ideas?

Hi Shag!
Is this a PI 3b? We’re in the process of putting the fix into our image. In the meantime, try this workaround.

Disable loading the brcmfmac wifi driver:
After you copied the image to the SD card:

  1. Mount the root partition, for example:
    # mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/

  2. Create the /mnt/etc/modprobe.d/01-rpi3-blacklist.conf file with the following content:
    blacklist brcmfmac

  3. Unmount /mnt/:
    # umount /mnt

  4. Boot the SD card in your RPI 3.

  5. Extract the driver file.
    # xz -d -k /lib/firmware/brcm/brcmfac43430-sdio.raspberrypi,3-model-b.xz

  6. Remove the blacklist file.
    # rm -f /etc/modprobe.d/01-rpi3-blacklist.conf

  7. Reboot

It is a 3B. Will try this once I get back to the office and let you know! Thanks!