Installing clang-format for use in VS Code

Hello, I’ve been looking all over and it looks like it might be possible to install clang-format on Rocky per this post (Install clang-tools-extra-15 on Rocky 9) But I’ve not figured out how to install it. I found how to install it on Ubuntu, but that uses the apt-get command, so I tried doing ‘sudo dnf install clang-format’ but got the following message:

Last metadata expiration check: 0:23:46 ago on Tue 17 Dec 2024 08:57:42 AM MST.
No match for argument: clang-format
Error: Unable to find a match: clang-format

Is there something I’m missing with the install, or is it not possible to install clang-format on Rocky? Any and all help will be appreciated, I’m fairly new to Rocky.

You can do things like

dnf list clang-tools-extra

Hi @dyostbh ,
This package is part of the appstream respository, so you should be able to install it with:

sudo dnf install clang-tools-extra
