Infra.osbuild.builder role

I am stock I can not seam to get infra.osbuild.builder to work. It keeps getting stuck at creating the blueprint. I can manual create a blueprint and also build an an image no problem.

Which makes me think its either ansible , the role or my playbook. Thoughts?

TASK [infra.osbuild.builder : Create a blueprint] **********************************************************************************************************************
fatal: [192.168.1.xx]: FAILED! => {“changed”: false, “module_stderr”: "Shared connection to 192.168.1.xx closed.\r\

Not sure why it’s trying to reach out to

There was a problem reading a repository: Failed to download metadata for repo ‘2defdc1
0997a21ac2c2ed1d403c316ac2324181b5da18e1a16df54f631a1c750’: Cannot prepare internal mirrorlist: Curl error (6): Couldn’t resolve host name for http:
// [Could not resolve host:]
Nov 1 06:44:48 osbuild1 osbuild-composer[11850]: 2024/11/01 06:44:48 Problem preloading distro metadata for centos-8: DNF error occurred: RepoError
: There was a problem reading a repository: Failed to download metadata for repo ‘2defdc10997a21ac2c2ed1d403c316ac2324181b5da18e1a16df54f631a1c750’
[baseos:]: Cannot prepare internal mirrorlist: Curl error (6): Couldn’t resol
ve host name for [Could not resolve host:]

What is that? Ansible role? From Ansible Collection, like GitHub - redhat-cop/infra.osbuild: Ansible Collection for management of ostree composer ?

I presume that your systems do not have definitions for CentOS 8 Stream. Therefore, the is probably in the variables of the role. Perhaps the role knows to look for RHEL and CentOS Stream and falls to the latter with Rocky.

The “Could not resolve host” is easy to explain. CentOS Stream 8 is dead. CentOS 7 is dead. Thus, “nobody” needs to ask for their mirrors from their mirrorlist server, which has therefore been removed. Alas, nobody has told the role/collection about that.

You should notify the maintainers of that collection. I presume that is not Rocky’s team.

I tried
and GitHub - redhat-cop/infra.osbuild: Ansible Collection for management of ostree composer