How to install ZFS inside Rockylinux Docker container?

I have created a Dockerfile:

FROM rockylinux:8.6

RUN yum -y update && yum -y install git && yum clean all

RUN    yum -y install 'dnf-command(config-manager)' \
    && yum -y install \
    && rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-zfsonlinux \
    && yum config-manager --disable zfs \
    && yum config-manager --enable zfs-kmod \
    && yum -y install zfs \
    && yum clean all \
    && echo zfs >/etc/modules-load.d/zfs.conf

I am building it:

docker build --platform linux/amd64 -t glacier_deep_archive_backup-amd64 .

However, the ZFS module is not loaded:

>docker run --platform linux/amd64 --rm -it glacier_deep_archive_backup-amd64 bash
[root@4840df736355 /]# modprobe zfs
modprobe: FATAL: Module zfs not found in directory /lib/modules/5.10.124-linuxkit

The /lib/modules/5.10.124-linuxkit directory is not existing inside the container.

How to load the ZFS module?

You enabled a repo called ‘zfs-kmod’, then installed something called ‘zfs’, but are you sure ‘zfs’ exists in ‘kmod’?
If so, whereever you ran

yum -y install zfs

run this

rpm -ql zfs

Yes, I am sure. It is working on non-dockered-containers.

Within the container:

[root@62eb2739b66d /]# rpm -ql zfs

That would suggest that a kernel and/or kernel-modules package are not installed. Also a search using dnf doesn’t show a linuxkit kernel. As far as I am aware, docker containers do not contain a kernel, which means it’s not going to work. So unless you can get the kernel/kernel-modules installed for that particular kernel in your container, you won’t be able to load the module.

See this reddit post: Reddit - Dive into anything which may help you getting it to work in docker, alternatively, run a VM instead.

And also from a google for do docker containers have their own kernel

Thank you.

My wish was not to use a VM but to get a docker container as part of a pipeline to perform automated tests whose a piece of steps relies on handling a ZFS pool.

Apart from all of the above, I can’t see a zfs module in the long list of files in the package, so I don’t know how the module would even work outside of docker?

It is the way that ZFS is working if you are not familiar with ZFS on Linux (refer to RHEL-based distro — OpenZFS documentation)

I now see (in the initial post) the package zfs-release.el8_6.noarch.rpm, using url style, in addition to the ‘zfs’ package.