I managed to install SideFX Houdini 20.5 using Launcher, but it went under Downloads folder. How can I remove it and put it somewhere else like Program files in Windows?
I am sorry, I am total beginner with Linux. I had to jump from Windows 11 after experiencing constant blue screen.
Thanks for your help!
I think Launcher it self went under Downloads folder also.
Rocky Linux has package manager that downloads, installs, updates, and removes RPM-format packages that it finds from (Yum) repositories. Packages that have been built for Enterprise Linux (platform). The package manager knows what it has installed, so it can also remove files, prevent overwrites, and install dependencies.
The Launcher does not sound like an UI for that package manager and the Houdini is most likely not in RPM-package. You do not want such non-packaged content into system directories.
Both Rocky 8 and 9 do add two directories into the PATH of user accounts:
When you type something on shell prompt, the shell checks directories on PATH until it finds executable file with name that you did type. Therefore, the executable of Houdini could go into either of those. There are probably data-files too that … appropriate location depends on what they are.
Alternatively, one can edit $HOME/.bashrc and append the location of executable into the PATH.
The GUI Desktop Environments have their own method to recognize and show “applications”.
Sorry, I was assuming only someone who know Houdini might pick this question, but I was wrong. Obviously there is someone like you who is eager to help without knowing Houdini specifically and I am pleased to know it now.
Houdini is 3D application made by SideFX.
Their instruction is quite minimal. I think they assume anyone who dare to run Linux must know how it should be done, but of course it inst so on my case.
The default /opt/sidefx/launcher is an “absolute” path.
There is already directory /path and the installer would have created directories /opt/sidefx and /opt/sidefx/launcher
Well, would have tried, because regular account has no write access to create anything into /opt.
(There is a way around that, but not critical now.)
The opt is a “relative” path. Since your current working directory was something like /home/Juha/Downloads the opt did mean same as /home/Juha/Downloads/opt
(Command pwd shows the current working directory.)
That depends. Some installers do store the install location into files, so after move the files would point to wrong place. Some don’t.
Note on terminal: mv ~/Downloads/opt ~/sidefx is same as cutting “opt” from Downloads, pasting it to “home”, and renaming “opt” → “sidefx”
You can run the install_houdini_launcher.sh again and type a different path,
e.g. ~/sidefx/launcher
That way there won’t be “wrong stored path” issues.
There is no directory bin by default. There might be .local. Do note that that is not same as local.
Type ls -a ~ in terminal. (The GUI file manager has “show hidden” option somewhere.) File (and directory) names that do start with dot (.) are hidden on “default views”.
If program is not available on “usual repositories”, then there might not be many Rocky users of it.
Whether to let “total beginner” wait for who-knows-how-long or to at least supply some general (Rocky) information is obviously a hard decision.
I suppose that the GUI file manager shows “lock” when one does not have the usual file permissions. However, the owner of file can always change the permissions. GUI has something for that, and in terminal there is command chmod.