Help installing rpm package

I’ve got my Rocky linux 9.1 server setup, but I’m having problems installing an rpm package from Veeam Backup.
I’m following this article for installing the RHEL 9 agent.

I’ve downloaded the latest version using wget, but when I run:

rpm -ivh ./veeam-release* && yum check-update

I get the error:

./veeam-release-el9-1.0.8-1.x86_64.rpm: not an rpm package (or package manifest)

What am I missing?


You could try using dnf rather than rpm:-

dnf install ./veeam-release

If that fails you could just manually create the repo file: /etc/yum.repos.d/veeam.repo


name=Veeam Backup for GNU/Linux - $basearch

Then issue dnf update

I suspect the remaining instructions should work.

Regards Tom.

Thank you @tjdoyle. Creating the repo file and updating allowed me to install the agent!

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Overall, do not use ‘rpm’ to install packages. The ‘dnf’ can do the same, but dnf can also pull in dependencies on the fly and has history.

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