I’ve got my Rocky linux 9.1 server setup, but I’m having problems installing an rpm package from Veeam Backup.
I’m following this article for installing the RHEL 9 agent.
I’ve downloaded the latest version using wget, but when I run:
rpm -ivh ./veeam-release* && yum check-update
I get the error:
./veeam-release-el9-1.0.8-1.x86_64.rpm: not an rpm package (or package manifest)
What am I missing?
You could try using dnf rather than rpm:-
dnf install ./veeam-release
If that fails you could just manually create the repo file: /etc/yum.repos.d/veeam.repo
name=Veeam Backup for GNU/Linux - $basearch
Then issue dnf update
I suspect the remaining instructions should work.
Regards Tom.
Thank you @tjdoyle. Creating the repo file and updating allowed me to install the agent!
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Overall, do not use ‘rpm’ to install packages. The ‘dnf’ can do the same, but dnf can also pull in dependencies on the fly and has history.
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