Flathub.. safe? glitch & nvidia

Hello everyone! still new hear so bear with me… So ive been having a big glitching problem on chrome… which has got better by changing the way i install the nvidia drivers… about 50% better - but if i install chrome from flathub compared to directly from google… the problem is 100% gone… not a single glitch. So… how do i know if chrome from flathub is safe??

Thanks everyone!

In the world of RHEL and Rocky, only the official repos are considered to be “safe”. In the world of “free and open source” (FOSS). the idea is that you can check all packages backwards through the build process, and then back to the source code. Anything else should not be considered “safe”. e.g. closed source software, random rpm packages from “the internet”, pip, phar, npm and so on, especially if you install them or run them as root.