Dnf update will downgrad kernel

i have installed kernel 6.8.1-1.el9.elrepo.x86_64 - now when I issue dnf update command i see:

 kernel                          x86_64           5.14.0-362.24.1.el9_3.0.1                baseos                 4.6 M
 kernel-devel                    x86_64           5.14.0-362.24.1.el9_3.0.1                appstream               20 M

which would be a downgrad of the kernel, is this supposed to happen?
what am i missing here?

First, kernels are “installonly” packages. That is, “update” installs one more kernel, rather than replace the currently installed package.

Second, the name of the ELRepo package was not kernel, was it? Isn’t it kernel-ml?
Those are two separate packages. Even on non-installonly packages that would not usually prevent either from receiving updates.

The only question is, which kernel version will be the default on bootloader’s menu?

You probably want DEFAULTKERNEL=kernel-ml in /etc/sysconfig/kernel. See Chapter 2. Specifying the RHEL kernel to run Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Real Time 9 | Red Hat Customer Portal

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You’ve installed a kernel that’s not in the official Rocky 9.3 repos, and Rocky is trying to install the updated 5.14 kernel. Maybe with ‘elrepo’ enabled, it knows to ignore the official repos?