Dnf reposync fails to get complete repo

Hi everyone,

I didn’t find this question asked, and there’s every chance I’ve done something wrong if no one else is reporting it. Keep that in mind!

(should this be in a ticket? Should this be in Rel Eng?)

I have defined a repo:

cobbler repo report --name rocky-9-CRB
Name                           : rocky-9-CRB
Apt Components (apt only)      : []
Apt Dist Names (apt only)      : []
Arch                           : x86_64
Breed                          : yum
Comment                        :
Createrepo Flags               : <<inherit>>
Environment Variables          : {}
Keep Updated                   : True
Mirror                         : https://distro.ibiblio.org/rocky/9/CRB/x86_64/os/
Mirror locally                 : True
Mirror Type                    : baseurl
Owners                         : ['admin']
Priority                       : 99
Proxy information              :
RPM List                       : []
Rsync Options                  : {}
Yum Options                    : {}

When I cobbler reposync, it

reposync; ['rocky-9-CRB']
hello, reposync
run, reposync, run!
running: /usr/bin/dnf reposync --delete --refresh --remote-time --config=/var/www/cobbler/repo_mirror/rocky-9-CRB/.origin/rocky-9-CRB.repo --repoid=rocky-9-CRB -p /var/www/cobbler/repo_mirror -a x86_64
4.5 kB     00:00
Deleted old repo metadata for /var/www/cobbler/repo_mirror/rocky-9-CRB/.origin/repodata
received on stdout: Directory walk started
running: chown -R root:apache /var/www/cobbler/repo_mirror/rocky-9-CRB
received on stdout:
running: chmod -R 755 /var/www/cobbler/repo_mirror/rocky-9-CRB

That is, it completes without error. However, at least one RPM is missing: perl-IPC-run. It’s here:

… but it’s never downloaded:

# find /var/www/cobbler/repo_mirror/rocky-9-CRB -name perl-I\*rpm

(ie one file, but no perl-IPC-Run-20200505.0-6.el9.noarch.rpm, nothing like it)

This makes me think dnf’s reposync is borked, but that’s rather unexpected for a seemingly-well-tested enterprise tool.

I’ve tried

  • multiple upstreams
  • reposync --newer or not
  • vaporizing everything and mirroring from scratch
  • updating and rebooting for funzies
  • appealing to a capricious god to please make IBM do apt4rpm instead.

What completely obvious thing am I missing? Heckle if you want, I’ll take my lumps if it helps me get a win. :smiley:

thanks for your time.

– bish


I wonder if it is because the reposync command is specifying -a x86_64 which means it will only sync x86_64 packages. Perhaps you need to specify -a noarch as well since the package you are looking for is noarch.

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