Hello everybody,
I need to create a custom image of my rocky linux , but I need to remove the media check ( enabled by default).
In order to do that I just used xooriso and genisoimage, but I have a problem when I remove the entry (rd.live.check) from the grub menu file into the iso I need to regenerate the grub to get a fully functional iso to boot my server.
Do you have any clue?
Ok guys,
let me explain better I need to create an ISO image and then mount the image as Virtual-CD including of course a kickstart file.
I tried several combinations of procedure and commands primarily it’s this procedure below
The problem is always the same …
Whatever sequences of commands I’m doing, the system is not regenerating the isolinux.bin and grub.
So do you have some procedure of experience to accomplish this unattended installation?
Just a quick update…
I’m still investigating , and I’m observing a small progress…it seems that the switch -V VOLID seems important , I hope that I can sort out with something , then I’ll share my solution in case.
Any suggestion is welcome ofc.
Thanks a lot!
Perhaps I’m not understanding your end goal. What exactly are you trying to achieve? You’re trying to add a kickstart and do what? You say remove the media test, but why does that part matter for your use case?
Thanks a lot for considering the case,
Simply I’m booting from VirtualCD using the DRAC feature , for reasons that I don’t want to explain here we don’t want use PXE boot.
So testing the media drive if you have a number of server to redeploy everyday , it’s time/resource wasting.
That’s why
Long story short…
this is what I’m using to avoid the media test, just adding --rm-args rd.live.check at the end of the mkksiso command , seems working:
OFC still booting from the option 2 (TEST and INSTALL) since I’m not able to regenerate the isolinux ,menu , grub etc. , but it’s ok for now, instead to use Clonezilla or others artefacts.