I am currently running FreeIPA 4.9.13 on Rocky 8.10
I would like to get to the latest FreeIPA and am not sure how to do that. Oficial freeIPA upgrade instructions say to just update freeipa package, but package is already at latest version. I assume I need to upgrade the OS to 9 or 10.
Can I upgrade in place ? Or do I need to have another machine? Can i migrate backup, or do I need to create replica ?
There are no more version changes to freeipa in Rocky Linux 8. This means you will need to migrate (not an in-place upgrade) to Rocky Linux 9 at a minimum to get to a newer version of FreeIPA. A migration is straightforward to perform, which will require another system or systems depending on the number of IPA servers you have. These new systems will be replicas.
For a simplified version of the process, you can take a look at this page which walks through a migration. This section, provides the example commands.
You can also review the red hat documentation on the topic.
I would recommend running ipa-backup
before performing any migration or major changes to your domain.
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